The SYTRONICS Quality System is structured to be in compliance with ISO 9001:2000, and follows the guidance of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM). The Quality System, described in SYTRONICS' Quality Manual, was developed by an internal, multi-functional team of SYTRONICS employees. Effective and efficient procedures have been developed to ensure that SYTRONICS' products and services meet or exceed the high expectations of our customers. SYTRONICS is also certified to the General Electric Aircraft Engine S-1000 Quality Standard.
An independent Quality Assurance (QA) Department exists to oversee the implementation and effectiveness of the Quality Program. The QA organization reports directly to the SYTRONICS President and is independent of the development and research organizations. Although independent, the QA Department works with the Project Teams to identify and resolve potential problems early in the project life cycle to ensure consistent, on-time delivery of quality SYTRONICS products and services. The definition and coordination of the Quality System are the responsibility of the QA Manager. Implementation of the Quality System is the day-to-day responsibility of every SYTRONICS employee. An effective and efficient Total Quality Management (TQM) process enables each employee to contribute to a continual company-wide Quality Improvement Program. Through this continual participatory process control and improvement program, problems are identified and corrected at their source rather than finding and repairing them in final inspection and testing. The QA Manager regularly interacts with program management and project staffs to define and implement each new project. This interaction includes proper documentation and implementation of all work efforts to meet customer requirements. Interaction with the Project Team continues through the project life. From within existing engineering resources, Hardware and Software Quality Engineers (QEs) are designated for each new project. The assigned QEs are responsible for ensuring the technical quality of the product or service. The QEs work with the development team and participate in all appropriate project activities. The QEs report the quality program status and determine actions needed to meet customer requirements. Materials and processing quality is ensured through a rigorous system of monitoring and control. Purchased materials are evaluated and inspected to ensure that these materials meet the stringent SYTRONICS quality requirements. Detailed records are maintained to ensure traceability of materials throughout the production process. Effective systems are in place to identify and control non-conforming materials until disposition is determined by the Material Review Board. The Quality Department understands the importance of quality materials and is fully aware of the requirements of MIL-HDBK-217F, Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment. Detailed analysis is conducted on all component failures to determine any quality issues that may affect system reliability. Using this information, the QA Department assists purchasing with identifying and assessing new suppliers, establishes supplier quality requirements, evaluates supplier performance, and works directly with suppliers to determine remedial actions. Manufacturing quality is ensured through a continual process control system. SYTRONICS is constantly pursuing process improvement to meet the quality and cost needs of our customers more effectively. QA continually analyzes process results, feeds information to engineering, and establishes goals and actions to improve SYTRONICS’ performance. The QA Department administers an effective corrective action process. A product reject that is traceable to a correctable cause, a process nonconformance, a defect trend found by data analysis, a system deficiency found via system audit, and a customer-requested corrective action are the most common reasons for initiating the corrective action process. Corrective actions are documented and tracked by the QA Department until an adequate disposition is determined. Quality Audit is an assessment function used by the Quality Manager to evaluate the status and effectiveness of the SYTRONICS quality program. All elements of the quality program, including the performance of both project teams and functional departments, are regularly audited. Audits are also conducted to verify corrective actions and system improvements. In addition to periodic audits, the Quality Manager and staff work closely with all functional managers and project managers to continually improve SYTRONICS’ method of doing business. The goal is to make all business processes as self-monitoring and error free as is possible. The Quality Manager regularly participates in all senior staff meetings and project reviews and provides the quality pulse to the senior management team. Production builds are defined and controlled via the issuance of work orders. The work orders define the work to be accomplished, provide work instructions, special process requirements, working environments, needed equipment, and identify applicable standards and specifications. The Project Managers are responsible for defining the production sequence and generating the necessary work instructions. Special or complex processes such as soldering or electronic assembly are defined in Manufacturing SIOPs. Unless otherwise required by the customer, SYTRONICS production is accomplished in accordance with IPC Class 2 standards and standard commercial practices. Adherence to SIOPs and applicable standards is continually verified by QA through product inspections, process controls, and audits. SYTRONICS maintains a well-managed and fully equipped production facility. Special tools and test equipment are closely monitored by the QA Department to identify excessive wear, damage, or needed calibrations. SYTRONICS uses a local, certified calibration company to perform equipment calibration. Measuring and test equipment and standards used for appraisal activity are labeled for monitoring to assure adherence to calibration schedules. The QA Department maintains a database of calibration due dates and ensures equipment is calibrated and ready for use. All production personnel are also fully aware of the need to use only calibrated and properly working tools and equipment and help maintain a constant vigilance for needed corrective actions. The SYTRONICS Configuration Management (CM) process is documented in SYTRONICS Configuration Management Plan Procedures. This process is modeled after applicable Military Configuration Standards and the ANSI/IEEE Configuration Standards and is in full compliance with both. The SYTRONICS CM process establishes a product configuration baseline, provides a method for accurate configuration identification, and specifies a system of evaluating, coordinating, approving/disapproving, and implementing changes to the baseline throughout the product life cycle. Although the same general procedures apply to both hardware and software CM, unique requirements are contained in separate sections of the CM Plan. The QA Department has the responsibility to oversee the implementation and effectiveness of the CM Plan. Within this responsibility, the Quality Manager chairs the Configuration Control Board (CCB), which exercises complete authority over changes to product baselines. The CCB is composed of key representatives from each functional area. Additional technical support is provided on an as needed basis from the technical staff. Software Configuration Management is performed at three levels: Change Tracking Level, Change Control Level, and Release Control Level. At the Change Control Level, SYTRONICS has used a very effective manual procedure of Software Change Requests that are submitted to the CCB for approval. Release Control includes a formal Library Release Sign-off Sheet (LRSS) completed by the Project Team and signed-off by the CCB. Master files are stored in the SYTRONICS Master Library and are under strict control of the Quality Manager. Changes to all released Program Documents, whether deliverable to customers or retained in-house, must be closely controlled to ensure preservation of the Engineering Baseline. Formal procedures are in place to process, evaluate, approve, and implement documentation changes. Complete and accurate contract files, that contain all released documentation, are maintained for every SYTRONICS contract. |